Benefit Luncheon

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Location: Commonwealth Commerce Center Date: October 11, 2018 Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM This annual benefit event is crucial to Dahlem’s success because it raises much-needed unrestricted dollars. This means that this money is used to pay our utilities and salaries, purchase supplies, and repair infrastructure. Unrestricted funds are the most difficult to raise […]

Volunteers needed for Maple Sugaring Programs

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Volunteers needed for Maple Sugaring School Programs Volunteer Trail Leaders (new & returning) interested to lead Maple Sugaring school field trips are invited to attend this informative half day training session.  A review of the lesson plan, a walk into the sugar bush to tap maple trees and setting up equipment will get us ready […]

How Does My Garden Grow? Program

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Phil Tocco, MSU Extension Educator will speak about composting and soil prep for gardens focusing on composting and soils to help kick start your garden and keep it nourished through out the growing season. This program will benefit beginner, intermediate and advanced gardeners. Program fee is $6 Dahlem member; $8 non-member.  Program intended for adults […]