Mighty Naturalist Program; Our Feathered Friends
Our Feathered Friends Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: What is unique about birds, and what do their characteristics (feathers, feet, beak, color, etc.) […]
Our Feathered Friends Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: What is unique about birds, and what do their characteristics (feathers, feet, beak, color, etc.) […]
Winter Animal Tracks Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: How animals make tracks can tell us what they are, what they’re doing and where […]
Super Squirrely Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: If you followed a squirrel for a day, what would you see? Climbing branches, storing seeds, […]
Tree House - Who Lives There? Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: Nature is full of hidden clues about the animals that live there. […]
Join us on our first guided snowshoe excursion! Snowshoeing is a fun, unique was to celebrate Valentine's Day and a great way to enjoy all this snow that's still coming […]
Maple Sugaring School Program Date: February 21, 2020 Time: 8:45-10:00 am School: Columbia Lower Elementary School; 1st grade Maple Sugaring school program is designed to allow students a first […]
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New this year - Before you sign up for your Community Garden plot, peruse a handful of vendors and enjoy 30 minute seminars on topics designed to get you ready […]
CANCELLED due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Thank you for your understanding. Maple Madness Interpretive Tours -- Dahlem’s maple sugaring operation is small but an ideal site to demonstrate the science […]