Mighty Naturalist Program; Snow Much Fun

Snow Much Fun Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description:  We will read a fun winter-themed story, go for an outdoor walk on the snow […]

Mighty Naturalist Program; Our Feathered Friends

Our Feathered Friends Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: What is unique about birds, and what do their characteristics (feathers, feet, beak, color, etc.) […]

Mighty Naturalist Program; Winter Animal Tracks

Winter Animal Tracks Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description:  How animals make tracks can tell us what they are, what they’re  doing and where […]

Mighty Naturalist Program; Super Squirrely

Super Squirrely Program is for ages 1-5 years old with a caregiver. Program Description: If you followed a squirrel for a day, what would you see?  Climbing branches, storing seeds, […]

Valentine’s Day Snow Shoe Walk!

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Join us on our first guided snowshoe excursion! Snowshoeing is a fun, unique was to celebrate Valentine's Day and a great way to enjoy all this snow that's still coming […]

Volunteer Mix & Mingle

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Maple Sugaring for Columbia Lower Elementary (1st grade)

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Maple Sugaring School Program Date: February 21, 2020 Time: 8:45-10:00 am School: Columbia Lower Elementary School; 1st grade   Maple Sugaring school program is designed to allow students a first […]