My Prairie Restoration Journey presentation

In this presentation, John Blair will bring you along on his journey to restore his land to original native prairie on his rural property in Brooklyn. He will also cover the restoration of his wooded savanna and how he is bringing three natural ponds back to life after being buried by farmers decades ago. Through […]

Maple Madness Interpretive Tours – March 15, 2025

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Maple Madness Interpretive Tours -- Dahlem’s maple sugaring operation is small but an ideal site to demonstrate the science of collecting maple tree sap and making our favorite tasty maple syrup topping. Sign up for an interpretive guided 1 1/4 hour tour at 10:00 am or 12:30 pm to learn about the history of sugaring, […]

Mighty Naturalist Program; Maple Sugaring in the Forest – SOLD OUT!

Maple Sugaring in the Forest Program is for ages 1-5 years old attending with an adult caregiver. Program Description: The maple sugaring season is a sign winter is ending and Spring is near. Hooray! After story time, we will take a walk through the sugar bush to see different methods to collect maple tree sap, look […]

Volunteer Training for spring school programs

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

Volunteers needed for Spring School Programs Volunteer Trail Leaders (new & returning) interested to lead Spring school field trips are invited to attend this informative half day training session on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 9:00 am to 12 noon at The Dahlem Center, 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson MI.  Volunteering for school programs is […]

Mighty Naturalist Program; The Reason for a Flower

The Reason for a Flower Program is for ages 1-5 years old attending with an adult caregiver. Program Description: After story time, we’ll take a short walk to find an assortment of seeds. Where do they come from and how do they get dispersed? Seeds and plants are food, and seeds are also next year’s plants. […]

Night of the Amphibians (family-friendly) – April 4

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

April 4, 2025 Friday at 6:30 pm What better way to welcome spring than to wade in the waters of our glacial pond in search of the season’s first choristers: Spring Peepers, Chorus frogs and Wood frogs. Maybe we’ll find a Leopard frog or American toad! This is a great evening event for families to […]

Woodcock Program & Night Walk (adult program) – April 11

Dahlem, Jackson's Nature Place 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI, United States

The Woodcock Program and Night Walk (adult program) will start at 7:00 pm with a short indoor presentation to learn about the woodcock that reside in Michigan, their adaptations, and then we'll take a night walk to Dahlem's quiet grasslands to watch and listen for woodcocks performing their seasonal mating ritual.  This is a fun […]

Earth Day Celebration 2025

Earth Day Celebration is Sunday, April 27th from 1-4 pm, to promote environmental protection, encouraging people to keep a clean, healthy planet. Once again, Jackson County Conservation District (JCCD) is organizing a fun and educational afternoon to celebrate Earth Day 2025. Come join us for JCCD’s Earth Day Celebration in the Park from 1-4 pm […]