Dahlem is proud to host the Fairy Garden Contest for the Jackson School of the Arts Fairy Festival!
Build an enchanting miniature garden with fantastical elements to share with everyone who attends JSA’s Fairy Festival!
Here is what you need to know:
- Make your garden easy to transport
- Build your garden on a sturdy base that is 24 inches by 24 inches maximum size
- There is no access to electricity, so any powered elements will need to be battery powered
- All Fairy Festival Guests are invited to vote for their favorite garden with pocket change and the proceeds will go to Jackson School of the Arts for art supplies. One cent is one vote. The garden with the highest total money wins!
- The Contest winner gets a fun prize!
- Winner will be announced at the end of the day on Sunday, May 1st, 2022
- Drop off your garden on Friday, April 29, 2022 between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM
- Pick up your garden by Friday, May 6th by 8:00 PM or the garden will become the property of the Dahlem Conservancy. If you won, you can pick up your prize when you pick up your garden.
Please register below to enter the Fairy Garden Contest!