Learn about beekeeping at Dahlem

The apiaries at the Dahlem Ecology Farm will be buzzing with activity

for our 2025 Intermediate Beekeeping Course!



Dahlem’s 2025 Intermediate Beekeeping Course is taught by advanced beekeepers,

John & Kim Haynes.


Local Business Partners

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This intermediate beekeeping course focuses on raising queens through in-person instruction and hands-on practice on hives at the Dahlem apiary.

Students will practice and implement various techniques such as grafting, making queen cages, and harvesting queen cells and queens.


Class Information

The 2025 Intermediate Beekeeping Class course details

The intermediate beekeeping course is designed for the experienced beekeeper that has taken a multi-month, season long, hands-on beekeeping class (such as the Dahlem or SEMBA beginning beekeeping course) or a written submission describing five years of beekeeping experience.

The course focuses on raising queens through in-person instruction and hands-on practice on hives in the Dahlem apiary. Students will practice and implement various techniques such as grafting, making queen cages and harvesting queen cells and queens.

The course provides:

  • A dead-out hive for forensic examination
  • A queen right hive to use to teach queen rearing practices
  • A grafting tool for each student to use for queen rearing
  • Grafting equipment used to raise queens
  • Queen rearing grafting date wheel
  • Queens or queen cells for students to take home, depending on the success of queen rearing

Students provide:

  • (Optional) Your dead-out hive for forensic analysis by the instructors
  • Beekeeping clothing and disinfected tools
  • A queen right hive(s) at home to implement queen rearing practices
  • Spare hive hardware or Nucleus hive at home and drawn frames to implement queen rearing practices
  • Queen cell or Queen cage for transport home, depending on the success of queen rearing

Recommended course reading: ‘Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping’ by Dewey M. Caron with Lawrence John Connor


  • Feb 23 – Course planning, Running a Bee Business
  • March 23 – Instruction: Bee reproduction, biology, mating. Early spring management. Apiary skills: Forensics of a dead-out
  • April 27 – Instruction: Raising queens for colony health, problem hives, increases, swarms, diversity and profit. Apiary skills: Setting up a swarm hive
  • May 18 – Instruction: Hive types and uses. Integrated v. Dedicated rearing systems. Apiary skills: Notching and cutting comb, queen marking. Set up Cloake Board configuration for Queen Rearing hive.
  • June 6 – Instruction: Cloake Board techniques and Dedicated Queen Rearing hives Apiary skill: Grafting, making queen cages. Remove open comb for egg laying. Installation of Notched and Cut frames to brood chamber
  • Week of June 15 – Instruction: Mites and miticides. Apiary skill: (+ 3-7 days) Add isolator to Queen Rearing hive. Install Notched and Cut frame eggs to Cloake Board. Install open comb for egg laying in brood chamber.
  • June 22 – Instruction and Apiary skill: Grafting and installing grafts
  • June 23 (optional attendance) – Apiary skill: Remove Cloake Board isolator
  • June 29 – Instruction: Split / Nuc creation, Overwintering techniques Apiary skill: Cage queen cells, remove queen cells. Take home a Queen cell (pending availability) to establish your Nuc.
  • July 6 – Instruction: Queen introduction. Apiary skill: Collect queens. Take home a Queen (pending availability) to establish your Nuc.


The Dahlem Conservancy, 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI 49201

Dahlem Ecology Farm Beeyard, 1429 Wickwire Rd., Jackson, MI 49201


Individual: $165 non-member / $150 member

Couple/family – up to two people: $320 non-members / $290 members

Payable in advance


John and Kim Haynes; Phone 248-565-7266


Michigan State Extension provides useful beekeeping information under beekeeping articles and videos at

2025 Intermediate Beekeeping Course Registration

The intermediate beekeeping course is designed for the experienced beekeeper that has taken a multi-month, season long, hands-on beekeeping class (such as the Dahlem or SEMBA beginning beekeeping course) or a written submission describing five years of beekeeping experience.

Registration deadline: Feb. 21, 2025.