Dahlem is excited to announce that our apiaries at the

Dahlem Ecology Farm will once again be buzzing with activity!


Taught by advanced bee keepers, John & Kim Haynes and guest instructors


Local Business Partners

Click logos for more information



This hands-on course will teach sustainable beekeeping practices and techniques that covers a year in the life of a honey bee:

  • Beekeeping

  • Honey Bee Biology

  • The Workings and Components of a Hive

  • Beekeeping Tools and Protective Gear

  • Obtaining Bees

  • Seasonal Hive Management, including making splits

  • Bee Disease and Pest Management, and

  • Honey Extraction


Class Information

The 2024 Beekeeping Class is full – please call to be put on the waiting list.  Please see course details below.

This course introduces the biology of the honey bee, beekeeping tools and protective gear, seasonal hive management, identification of and treatment options for honey bee diseases, and honey extraction.

Classes include Zoom meetings, in-person talks, book discussion, and hands-on field experience at the on-site apiary.


  • Select Sundays, 2 pm – 4 pm  (See section below labeled Class Overview for dates)
  • February 25 – September 9, 2024 – (with additional field sessions as noted)


  • The Dahlem Conservancy, 7117 S. Jackson Rd., Jackson, MI 49201
  • Dahlem Ecology Farm Beeyard, 1429 Wickwire Rd., Jackson, MI 49201


  • Individual (includes 1 book): $175 non-member / $160 member
  • Couple/family – up to two people (includes 2 books): $325 non-members / $300 members
  • Payable in advance



  • You will need to purchase a 3 lb package of bees with queen from vendors such as Napoleon Bee Supply, Dadant or other package vendors. We do not allow “nucs” at the Dahlem Ecology Farm Bee yard.
  • We require new woodenware (hives and frames) to avoid accidental contamination in our community apiary.
  • We have space for one hive per student or up to two hives per partner group in the bee yard, no exceptions.
  • You are not required to keep a hive in order to take this class. However, if you do plan to begin keeping bees this season, we strongly recommend you keep your hive in the class bee yard. You can keep your summer hive in the apiary at Dahlem where we will work on it together and then take your hive home at the end of the season. You can also opt to keep your hive at home. Also, you don’t need to have a hive this season – we will provide an instructional hive that we will use to demonstrate various practices that you can help instead of having your own hive.

We recommend waiting until after our first class to buy your equipment. We will introduce you to local, independent vendors with multiple options for woodenware, tools, and protective gear.

The first class meeting: Review Syllabus, read Appendix A and B, sign Bee Course waiver.


Class Overview: schedule for year 2024 

  • February
    • 25th: #1 Introduction to Beekeeping
  • March
    • Event: 1st and 2nd: MBA Bee Conference — In-person; with Pre-conference virtual keynotes: Dr. David Tarpy; check for other conferences
    • 17th: #2 Equipment and hive location
    • 24th: #3 Bee season overview, record keeping and swarming
  • April
    • 14th: #4 Bee anatomy and lifecycle
    •  21st: #5 Installation of bees, brood boxes, queen excluders, honey supers
  • May
    • Early May – TBD: Bees arrive TBA evening installation
    • 19th: #6 Varroa Mites – checks and treatments
  • June
    • 2nd: #7 Hive health – reading the comb; hive splits
    • 9th: #8 Understanding and managing queens
  • July
    • 14th: #9 Hive diseases and pest management practices
    • 28th: #10 Hive treatments and winterization
  • August
    • 4th: #11 Prepping your hive to move and off-season management
    • Event: August 10th – Birds, Blooms and Butterflies Festival (and bees, of course)
    • 18th: #12 Hive products and honey extraction
    • Aug-Sept 9th: Moving hives to the student’s permanent locations

Michigan State Extension provides useful beekeeping information under beekeeping articles and videos at

2024 Introduction to Beekeeping course registration.